Usman, Sang Nelayan Teripang

Teripang merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor dari hasil laut yang perlu segera dikembangkan cara pengolahannya. Hal ini diperlukan mengingat nilai ekonomisnya yang cukup tinggi di pasaran luar negeri. Beberapa spesies teripang yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis panting diantaranya: teripang putih, Holothuria scabra, teripang koro, Microthele nobelis, teripang pandan, Theenota ananas, teripang dongnga, Stichopu ssp. dan beberapa jenis teripang lainnya.

Ekspor teripang Indonesia umumnya dalam bentuk olahan kering, negara tujuan ekspor teripang adalah Hongkong, Singapura, Taiwan dan Jepang. Teripang kering umumnya diolah secara tradisional oleh nelayan pengolah tradisional dengan cara dan peralatan yang masih secerhana, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan masih perlu diperbaiki.

Ikan Sarden: Ikan Ekonomis Incaran Ibu Rumah Tangga

Indonesia terus mendorong perikanan skala kecil untuk menerapkan prinsip penangkapan ikan berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab. Dorongan itu, terutama dikampanyekan untuk nelayan skala kecil yang terlibat dalam praktik penangkapan dan tata kelola perdagangan Ikan Sarden. Saat ini, penangkapan dan praktik penangkapan Sarden nasional didominasi oleh kapal skala kecil dengan alat penangkapan ikan (API) sederhana seperti pancing (handline).

Ikan Tuna, Si Primadona Lautan

Tidak semua ikan yang ada di perairan Indonesia bisa dinikmati langsung oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Fakta tersebut dirasakan oleh masyarakat yang tinggal di kawasan perkotaan dan jauh dari wilayah perairan laut. Ikan yang bernilai tinggi dan menjadi primadona ekspor, pasti akan sangat susah didapatkan oleh warga.

Berkenalan Lebih Jauh dengan Ikan Cakalang

Ikan cakalang biasa ditemui di Indonesia, baik di pasar tradisional maupun supermarket. Ikan ini memang merupakan salah satu jenis yang paling sering dikonsumsi masyarakat, umumnya di daerah timur Indonesia.   Cakalang memiliki nama ilmiah Katsuwonus pelamis dan merupakan satu-satunya spesies dari genus Katsuwonus. Nama genus ikan ini diambil dari bahasa Jepang ikan cakalang, yakni katsue. Ikan ini sendiri memiliki berbagai nama lain seperti cakalan, cakang, kausa, kambojo, karamojo,dan turingan. Di Inggris, ikan ini disebut sebagai skipjack tuna.


Starting business is cheap, surviving is expensive, and collaboration is the solution

Improving the fishermen be more interactive in the ocean. through the blockchain system, fishermen connect with collecting boat at the nearest port and make the transaction be efficient and transparent. accelerate the productivity of fishermen without making their family wait to go home



Facilitate the fishermen with an upgraded and large boat for fishing on market demand of export, factory, traditional market, etc. The boat will be managed collaboratively by 2-3 fishermen.



providing collecting boats in every port thus connected each other to pick up and to collect the fishermen's catches. collecting boats will be used by middlemen collaboratively.



providing the financing system for fishermen housewives can receive money directly when a transaction with a collecting boat occurred.





Nelayan and SDG

Yonk present helping fisherman in worked in inner cities and practical but keep the city clean. Are in the form of this application is reasonable enough, ledgernow capable of being to reach out to all of the existence of a there are approximately fishermen who. Ledgernow this application is reasonable enough who uses blockchain able to build a new all the data become integrated charge safely and easily.

Yonk application help fishermen to keep marine ecosystem to not damaged and maintain clean seas that uncontaminated. Ledgernow help links between fishermen and the collector fish.

PureHeart is a provider of enterprise platforms with innovative technology to create a better world through social activities. PureHeart helps companies to transparency activities and distribution of companies' donations in terms of holding Corporate Social Responsibility activities. PureHeart is also committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesian people is increasing.

As technology develops, PureHeart with the latest features provides features for sharing together. So sharing happiness by sharing with others is not difficult, because everything can be done through your fingertips with PureHeart.


Our Partners


LedgerNow is focusing on the creation of a sustainable business. The blockchain system proved 100% efficient in building the business. As well as helping users in exchanging data, transparency safe, and fast. The system to make transparency LedgerNow users can track down and see any data exchange to boost trust with a ledger network that was distributed.


PIE (Personal Identification Exchange) is a blockchain-based KYC (Get to Know Your Customer) solution for money laundering (Anti Money Laundering / AML) based and terrorist financing (Terrorism Funding).


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.


TEMINDO is a company that provides business solutions and collaboration with companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.


BIJAK is a technology-based company to help companies implement the optimal blockchain technology and can accelerate integrated business processes that are safe and reliable.


SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution to fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


VIE is a business management application that facilitates integrated business management based on ISO 9001: 2015 (or the latest) quality management system with blockchain technology.

Fintrack can help people keep track of their daily financial expenses, from and for any application. In addition, all data will be stored in a sophisticated Blockchain-based system so that data will be safely stored forever.


REEF is Blockchain-based application to give solutions for the creation of an energy efficient environment and keep the environment with a Solar Panel. Inspire the public to switch to renewable energy.

Ariobimo Sentral Level 8
Jalan H. R. Rasuna Said Kav X-2 No. 5,
Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Indonesia, 12950

Ariobimo Sentral Level 8
Jalan H. R. Rasuna Said Kav X-2 No. 5,
Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Indonesia, 12950