VIE get 2nd Place at Startup for industries competition
Ministry of Industry and Startup4Industry held an expo and seminar event in December 2019. The event was give purpose industry 4.0 'Smart factory’. It was attended by Indonesia start-ups. Show carried on june 11-12 december 2019, wednesday-thursday, Hall Jepara, Hall Kartini. Ledgernow is one of start-ups have obtained the chance in this exhibition. We also presents special games: blockchain game ( patent pending).

Past Event
11-12 Desember 2019
Hall Jepara, Balai Kartini
Special Games : Blockchain Game (Patent Pending)

VIE provide ERP (Enterprises Resource Planning) for SMEs and Large Enterprise in Indonesia. VIE is the ERP solution, is ease to use a very protected system for traceability, notified, and transparency, where the system administrator cannot read the data. With Vie, the business will experience the improvement of quality management with verified ISO 3001 . Vie is a solution for improving SMEs to scale up becoming a large enterprises with collaboration spirit through blockchain. High integrated create a sharing economy for sustainable business.

Blockchain is a digital data storage system that consists of many servers (multiserver). In blockchain technology, data created by one server can be replicated and verified by another server. but blockchain technology is not a centralized system but it is a decentralized system.
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PureHeart is a provider of enterprise platforms with innovative technology to create a better world through social activities. PureHeart helps companies to transparency activities and distribution of companies' donations in terms of holding Corporate Social Responsibility activities. PureHeart is also committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesian people is increasing.
As technology develops, PureHeart with the latest features provides features for sharing together. So sharing happiness by sharing with others is not difficult, because everything can be done through your fingertips with PureHeart.
Our Partners

LedgerNow is focusing on the creation of a sustainable business. The blockchain system proved 100% efficient in building the business. As well as helping users in exchanging data, transparency safe, and fast. The system to make transparency LedgerNow users can track down and see any data exchange to boost trust with a ledger network that was distributed.

PIE (Personal Identification Exchange) is a blockchain-based KYC (Get to Know Your Customer) solution for money laundering (Anti Money Laundering / AML) based and terrorist financing (Terrorism Funding).

AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

TEMINDO is a company that provides business solutions and collaboration with companies with blockchain technology.

PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

BIJAK is a technology-based company to help companies implement the optimal blockchain technology and can accelerate integrated business processes that are safe and reliable.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution to fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.

VIE is a business management application that facilitates integrated business management based on ISO 9001: 2015 (or the latest) quality management system with blockchain technology.

Fintrack can help people keep track of their daily financial expenses, from and for any application. In addition, all data will be stored in a sophisticated Blockchain-based system so that data will be safely stored forever.

REEF is Blockchain-based application to give solutions for the creation of an energy efficient environment and keep the environment with a Solar Panel. Inspire the public to switch to renewable energy.